Begonia Amphioxous


Lighting: Bright, indirect light

Water: Once top two inches has dried out. About every 5-6 days.

Humidity: Requires extra humidity.

Family: Begnoniaceae

Native Origin: Borneo

USDA Hardy Zone: 10-11


Begonia Amphioxous is a curious, exotic plant with shrub-like growth. The leaves retain a narrow shape and are pointed at both ends  

Lighting: Bright, indirect light

Water: Once top two inches has dried out. About every 5-6 days.

Humidity: Requires extra humidity.

Family: Begnoniaceae

Native Origin: Borneo

USDA Hardy Zone: 10-11

Growing Indoors

Begonia Amphioxous is a curious, exotic plant with shrub-like growth. The leaves are green with red/purple spots, narrow shaped, & pointed at both ends. We recommend boosting the humidity surrounding this plant to encourage a steady growth pattern.



Begonias grown outdoors in North Texas need to be kept in the shade. We do not recommend keeping your plant outside during periods of extreme heat or cold. Regular watering is advised, especially if your region is relatively dry (in comparison to the neo tropics.) Never let your Begonia become exposed to sub freezing temperatures. When temperatures reach 55 degrees and below, be sure to move your plants inside to a warm & bright environment.



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