Philodendron Billietiae

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Lighting: Bright, indirect light

Water: Once a week. Let soil dry out between waterings.

Humidity: Tolerates standard household humidity.

Family: Araceae

Native Origin: South America

USDA Hardy Zone: 10 & 11


These exotic beauties are native to the tropical rainforests of Brazil, Guyana, and French Guiana. They are known for the vibrant orange petioles and dramatically long leaves that can reach a length of over 3 feet long. This philodendron grows as a hemiepiphyte in its natural habitat and appreciates extra humidity and bright, indirect light.



Philodendron grow very well outdoors, but they are not winter hardy and should be brought inside once temperatures dip below 55 degrees. Spring through Fall, keep your Philodendron in Full to Partial Shade and make sure it is not receiving any hot, direct sun. Water once your plant has had a chance to dry out, usually about every 4-5 days outdoors with moderate temperatures. During periods of extreme heat, you may need to water your Philodendron every 2-3 days.

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