Lighting: Medium to Bright, Indirect light
Water: About every 4-5 Days
Humidity: Requires extra humidity. 55-80%
Family: Araceae
Native Origin: Mexico
USDA Hardy Zone: 10 & 11
Anthurium Clarinervium is a show stopping, heart shaped tropical from the Central Americas. We have found that this species is relatively easy going compared to its companions throughout the Anthurium Genus. New leaves emerge as a miniature, glossy heart and will increase in size over time. Mature Clarinervium leaves boast a satin finish with lovely contrasting veins. You will find that the leaves shimmer when sunlight comes in contact with the foliage. We recommend keeping this plant in a very well drained mix and watering when the top inch of the soil is dry.
Anthurium will grow beautifully outdoors, but they are not winter hardy and should be brought inside once temperatures dip below 55 degrees. Spring through Fall, keep your Alocasia in Full Shade and make sure it is not receiving any hot, direct sun. Water once your plant has had a chance to dry out, usually about every 3-4 days with moderate temperatures. You may need to water your Anthurium every 1-2 days during periods of extreme heat.